Yesh, finally, for those of you who hv been waiting, Teenster has kept her promise in the materialisation of this blog 'A Master's Mouldings'!
Wld like to dedicate this very 1st post to dear June, cos we made a pact & she fulfilled her side of the pact way earlier than i did in tt we'd use our blogs to keep each other updated, since we meet so little now! 君无细言!Apologies for the delay cos had been busy with setting up teens & youths fellowship blog some time back & well, i dun exactly fancy html cos i do alot of figurin out meself :-*
Also to dear HC, who has faithfully kept tt old blog link on her blog, the one tt i only posted one entry & left to demise, what i told u long ago in Jan when we last met has come to fruition! now u can change it to this functional one:D
Some things abt this blog:
1. some ppl prefer really colourful blogs, but decided to keep it a simple black&white! cos i'm reminded how like the keys of the piano are just black&white, but in a master's hands, the keys make life very colourful, with various shades & hues of ethereal quality & i am one blessed soul to have many dear ppl in my life who can do jus tt: Heen, June, Cass, Esthercie, Dor, Net... i cant do that, wld prefer to be able to make wonderful music, but each of us have our different gifts. so, as simple as the layout of this blog is, i'd love to make it colourful, with God's mouldings & the words herein:)
2. i am clay in His hands & indeed without the Master's mouldings, i wld hv nothing at all to share abt my life, so i want to attribute every experience, every growth to Him, His intricate mouldings of this lump of clay!
3. the use of the name 'Teenster', from whom it really originated, i find hard to trace, perhaps it was Retta, who used it after Ms Rajan called Shawn 'Shawnster', & somehow it seemed to roll off e tongue. but also to dear Phei-jie who started using it on her blog;) i've lots of nicks, many of which r endearing in their own ways frm ppl close to my heart, but Teenster it shall be here:)
4. like June, i'm a busy but blessed person, so i cant promise frequent updates, plus e fact i also blog in the fellowship blog & i dun wish to duplicate entries here n there so when i'm silent here, i may be speaking aloud there, so u can look for updates at
The-Vine Fellowship*欢藤团契 as well!
5. photos?! will try to upload some here, but cos most photos of me are prolly uploaded in multiple specific gallery & album accounts, i may not satisfy u with pics of me. and the online galleries are all password-coded, added here for easy access for those with passwords. so if u do want to view some photos, maybe:)
In her course, June learns tt speech is ephemeral.
Yet, silence is deafening.
So no matter how ephemeral speech is, speak still, but be careful:)
'The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart,
and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.
For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.'
-Luke 6:45